A journey started at 23 years old

Un uomo con i capelli bianchi è in piedi accanto a una donna

I began to approach Taiji Quan in 1983 at the age of 23 years. I was fascinated by what I found written in the books. An art that could be practiced and started at any time in life.

Un uomo con una camicia bianca sta parlando con un uomo più anziano con una giacca marrone

With M ° Li Rong Mei I studied the sword individually on several occasions and I deepen the study of codified forms. Student of the Grand Master Fu Zhong Wen who he invited to Italy in September 1993. During the lessons with Fu Zhong Wen I lived within me the most beautiful memories of Taiji Quan. I heard all the lessons of all my previous teachers repeating themselves in a single lesson. In that wise old man, who attracted me very much, I felt myself when still in the gym I repeat continuously: track, basin, head hanging, shoulders, hands, elbows and more. I was moved. I teach since 1989 dedicating myself with dedication and commitment, as I am convinced that the training and growth of my students helps to feed mine. I practice daily.

Una veduta aerea di una catena montuosa con un cielo azzurro sullo sfondo.

I follow M ° Hou Tie Cheng annually and only with individual lessons from 2012: he is transmitting all his knowledge of over 50 years of study and teaching. Being a direct transmission from a Chinese master to a "non-Chinese" is rare, I feel very honored. Just as I feel very honored to have received the disciple's document of Grand Master Hou Tie Cheng by joining the 6th generation of Taiji Quan of the Yang family.

My training and current work

My training took place exclusively with individual lessons, therefore with a direct transmission report.
Un uomo con la barba indossa una camicia bianca

The masters I normally quote I attended for a minimum period of 2 years with weekly or fortnightly meetings at the most. When I started Taiji Quan I knew that from master to master there are also sensible differences of movement while practicing the same style. Therefore, evaluating and ascertaining the good source of acquisition of that master and the quality of Taiji Quan that I learned from him (note that all my masters enjoyed a minimum twenty-year experience) I decided to devote all my efforts to studying and personal study of what has been learned.

Maestro Flavio Toniolo

My thoughts on Twitter every day

Follow me on Twitter: every morning at 7 o'clock you can start your day with a thought that helps you experience Taiji Quan in Yang style
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On LinkedIn I publish articles on Taiji Quan

Taiji Quan is a culture to learn also with the mind. For this you can follow me on LinkedIn, where every week I publish a very useful article to investigate important aspects of this ancient martial art.
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Master of Yang style

Master Flavio is a disciple and 6th descendant of the Yang family.

Master of Qi Gong

Master Flavio has been teaching Qi Gong for over 25 years.

Black belt

Master Flavio is Technical Director for Taiji Quan of the "WU-SHU Kung Fu NORTHERN ITALY" commission ASI

Years of practice


Courses held


Masters had


Travel to China


"The humility of the master Flavio has always fascinated me. I think he is one of the best teachers we have in Italy and in Europe. I am proud to learn from him".
Marina Stanghellini - Taiji Quan Structure
I've had the extreme pleasure of studying Tai Chi at Flavio's organization and am also looking forward to this year's practice. His teachers are well versed and particularly talented at presenting both the physical as well as spiritual aspects of Tai Chi.
His courses are perfectly executed for all levels of expertise and ages. 
Glenn Younger - Coaching
"He is my disciple, certainly. A son."
Grandmaster Hou Tiecheng
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